Technical Filtration Systems Ltd. operates a zero tolerance policy with regards to bribery and corruption and all Directors and employees of the organisation are bound by this policy.
With regards to gifts, hospitality and expenses, the following requirements are mandatory.
• Technical Filtration Systems Ltd. forbids any director or employee of the company to solicit any gift or hospitality in the course of his/her employment
• Technical Filtration Systems Ltd. forbids any director or employee of the company from offering or receiving from any person or organization who has had, has, or may have any influence over the business of the company.
(A) A personal or corporate gift to the value in excess of £50.00
(B) Hospitality to the value in excess of £50.00
• Technical Filtration Systems Ltd. forbids any director or employee of the company from offering or receiving any gift or hospitality which is in breach of relevant law.
• Compliance with this policy is a condition of each director’s and employee’s contract of employment.
• Every director and employee of Technical Filtration Systems Ltd. has a responsibility to speak out if they suspect corruption or are aware of any gift or hospitality given or received which may be in breach of this policy. Any concern in respect of such breach by:
- Another member of staff
- A third party representing Technical Filtration Systems Ltd.
- A Technical Filtration Systems Ltd. supplier or competitor
- A member company
- Any other stakeholders / customers must be reported to the Managing Director as soon as possible.
All allegations of any breach of this policy will be investigated If any director or employee has any questions on this policy please contact the Managing
Director Signed: Kevin Birtwhistle (Managing Director)
Dated: 24th August 2018
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